10kVA Solar Inverters vs. Generators: Which Is the Better Investment in Nigeria?

In Nigeria, where power supply is often unreliable and subject to frequent blackouts, individuals and businesses are increasingly seeking alternative sources of electricity. Solar inverters and generators are two popular options that provide backup power during outages.


However, choosing between them can be challenging. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of both 10kVA solar inverters and generators to help you make an informed decision about which is the better investment for your needs.


Having a reliable source of electricity is crucial for businesses and households in Nigeria. Power outages can disrupt daily operations, result in financial losses, and hamper productivity. Solar inverters and generators offer solutions to mitigate these issues. Understanding their differences and assessing their suitability for your specific requirements is essential.


Understanding Solar Inverters and Generators

What is a solar inverter?

A solar inverter is a device that converts the direct current (DC) generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC) usable by household or commercial appliances. It captures energy from the sun and stores it in batteries for later use. Solar inverters are part of a larger solar power system, consisting of panels, batteries, and charge controllers.

What is a generator?

A generator, on the other hand, is an engine-powered device that generates electricity. It typically runs on fossil fuels such as diesel, gasoline, or natural gas. Generators are available in various sizes and power outputs, including 10kVA models, which are commonly used for backup power in Nigeria.


Differences between solar inverters and generators

Solar inverters and generators differ in terms of power source, environmental impact, and maintenance requirements. Solar inverters rely on renewable energy from the sun, while generators consume fossil fuels. Solar inverters produce no harmful emissions, unlike generators that emit carbon dioxide and other pollutants. Generators require regular refuelling and maintenance, whereas solar inverters have minimal maintenance needs.

Benefits of Solar Inverters in Nigeria

Cost savings

One of the significant advantages of solar inverters is their potential for cost savings. Once installed, solar inverters harness free and abundant sunlight to generate electricity, reducing reliance on expensive diesel or petrol. Over time, the savings on fuel costs


Cost savings

One of the significant advantages of solar inverters is their potential for cost savings. Once installed, solar inverters harness free and abundant sunlight to generate electricity, reducing reliance on expensive diesel or petrol. Over time, the savings on fuel costs can be substantial, especially considering the rising prices of fossil fuels in Nigeria.

Environmental friendliness

In a country like Nigeria, where environmental issues and climate change are pressing concerns, solar inverters offer a clean and sustainable energy solution. Solar power is renewable and produces no harmful emissions during operation. By opting for solar inverters, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future.


Solar inverters are designed to provide a reliable source of electricity. With proper installation and quality components, they can function efficiently for years. In Nigeria, where power outages are common, solar inverters equipped with battery storage can ensure uninterrupted power supply during blackouts. This reliability is crucial for businesses that cannot afford disruptions in their operations.

Advantages of Generators in Nigeria

While solar inverters have their advantages, generators also offer unique benefits that make them a popular choice in Nigeria.

Power output

Generators, particularly 10kVA models, are known for their high power output. They can handle heavy loads and are suitable for running multiple appliances simultaneously. If you have high energy demands or rely on power-hungry equipment, a generator might be a more practical choice.

Fuel availability

In Nigeria, where access to fuel can be challenging at times, generators have an advantage. As long as you have fuel stored, you can continue to generate electricity even during fuel shortages or supply disruptions. This fuel availability can be crucial in situations where solar energy might not be sufficient to meet your power requirements.

Quick installation

Generators are relatively easy to install and can be up and running quickly. If you need immediate backup power or have limited time for installation, generators offer a convenient solution. Solar inverters, on the other hand, may require more planning, equipment setup, and professional installation, which can take longer to complete.

Factors to Consider when Choosing Between Solar Inverters and Generators

When deciding between solar inverters and generators, several factors should be taken into account to determine the better investment for your specific needs.

Power requirements

Assess your power requirements by considering the appliances and equipment you need to power during outages. Calculate the wattage or kilowatt-hour (kWh) consumption of these devices to determine if a 10kVA solar inverter can handle the load. If you have higher power demands or industrial-scale operations, a generator may be a more suitable option.


Consider your budget for both the initial investment and ongoing operational costs. Solar inverters may require a higher upfront investment due to the cost of panels, batteries, and installation. However, they offer long-term savings on fuel expenses. Generators have lower initial costs, but fuel consumption can add up over time, increasing operational expenses.

Location and accessibility

Evaluate the location where you plan to install the power backup system. Solar inverters require ample sunlight exposure, so ensure that your location receives sufficient sunlight throughout the year. Generators, on the other hand, require a well-ventilated area for exhaust fumes and noise reduction. Consider the accessibility of fuel sources if you choose a generator.

Maintenance and operational costs

Consider the maintenance requirements and associated costs for each option. Solar inverters generally require minimal maintenance, while generators need regular servicing, fuel refilling, and oil changes. Factor in the cost of routine maintenance when calculating the overall expenses of each system.

Comparing Costs: Solar Inverters vs. Generators

When comparing costs between solar inverters and generators, it’s essential to consider both the initial investment and the long-term expenses associated with each option.

Initial investment

Solar inverters typically have a higher initial investment due to the cost of solar panels, batteries, and installation. However, it’s important to note that the prices of solar panels have been steadily decreasing over the years, making them more affordable than before. Additionally, there may be government incentives, such as tax credits or grants, which can help offset some of the initial costs.

On the other hand, generators have a lower upfront cost compared to solar inverters. However, this cost does not include the expenses of purchasing fuel storage tanks or the installation of a proper exhaust system. It’s crucial to factor in these additional costs when considering the overall investment.

Operational expenses

Solar inverters have minimal operational expenses since they rely on sunlight, a free and renewable resource, to generate electricity. Once the system is installed, the ongoing costs mainly involve routine maintenance, such as cleaning the panels and replacing batteries over time.

Generators, however, require a constant supply of fuel to operate. The cost of fuel can vary and is subject to price fluctuations. Additionally, regular maintenance, fuel refilling, and oil changes are necessary to keep the generator running smoothly. These ongoing expenses can add up over time, particularly if you rely heavily on the generator for prolonged periods.

Long-term savings

While solar inverters may require a higher initial investment, they offer the potential for significant long-term savings. As mentioned earlier, solar power is abundant and free once the system is in place. By reducing or eliminating reliance on expensive fossil fuels, you can save money on utility bills and recoup your initial investment over time.

Generators, although cheaper upfront, can incur higher operational costs due to fuel consumption. The expenses associated with purchasing fuel and maintaining the generator can accumulate, making them less cost-effective in the long run.

It’s important to carefully evaluate your budget, energy requirements, and long-term financial goals when considering the costs of solar inverters and generators.

Environmental Impact: Solar Inverters vs. Generators

Considering the environmental impact is crucial when making a choice between solar inverters and generators.

Carbon emissions

Solar inverters have a minimal carbon footprint as they produce clean energy from the sun. By harnessing solar power, you can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable environment.

Generators, on the other hand, rely on fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide and other pollutants when burned. These emissions contribute to air pollution and have a negative impact on air quality and public health.

Noise pollution

Solar inverters operate silently since they do not have any moving parts. This makes them ideal for residential areas or environments where noise pollution must be minimized.

Generators, however, can be noisy due to their internal combustion engines. The noise can be disruptive and may not be suitable for noise-sensitive areas or situations where a quiet environment is desired.

Air pollution

Solar inverters do not produce any air pollutants during their operation, making them environmentally friendly. This is particularly important in densely populated areas or locations where air pollution is already a concern.

Generators, on the other hand, emit exhaust fumes that contain pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. These emissions can have detrimental effects on air quality and human health.

Considering the environmental impact is not only responsible but also aligns with global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. Solar inverters provide a cleaner and greener energy alternative compared to generators.

Reliability and Durability

Reliability and durability are key factors to consider when choosing between solar inverters and generators.

Dependence on weather conditions

Solar inverters rely on sunlight to generate electricity. While they are designed to work even on cloudy days, their efficiency and power output can be affected by weather conditions. In areas with consistent sunlight, solar inverters can provide a reliable source of power. However, if you experience prolonged periods of cloudy or rainy weather, the solar power generation may be reduced.

Generators, on the other hand, are not dependent on weather conditions. They can provide power consistently, regardless of sunlight availability. This makes generators a reliable choice for areas with unpredictable weather patterns or where continuous power supply is crucial.

Lifespan and maintenance

Solar inverters have a long lifespan and require minimal maintenance. With proper installation and routine inspections, they can last for over 20 years. Regular cleaning of the solar panels and occasional battery replacements are the primary maintenance tasks involved. This long lifespan and low maintenance make solar inverters a reliable and hassle-free option.

Generators typically have a shorter lifespan compared to solar inverters. The lifespan can vary depending on usage, maintenance, and the quality of the generator. Regular servicing, fuel refilling, and oil changes are essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity. It’s important to factor in the ongoing maintenance requirements and potential repair costs when considering the reliability of a generator.

Backup power

Both solar inverters and generators can provide backup power during outages. However, there are differences in how they operate.

Solar inverters with battery storage can store excess solar energy generated during the day and provide power during the night or when sunlight is insufficient. This ensures an uninterrupted power supply even during blackouts, as long as the batteries have sufficient charge. It’s important to properly size the battery capacity to meet your backup power needs.

Generators, on the other hand, provide immediate power once activated. As long as there is fuel, a generator can supply electricity continuously. This makes generators suitable for situations where immediate power is required or during extended periods without sunlight.

Considering the reliability and durability of both options is crucial to ensure that your power backup system can meet your specific requirements and provide uninterrupted electricity when needed.

Government Incentives and Support for Solar Power

In recent years, the Nigerian government has taken steps to encourage the adoption of solar power and renewable energy sources. Various incentives and support programs have been implemented to make solar inverters more accessible and affordable.

These initiatives include tax incentives, grants, and subsidies for individuals and businesses investing in solar power systems. The government’s focus on clean energy and sustainable development has created a favourable environment for the growth of the solar industry. Taking advantage of these incentives can significantly reduce the overall cost of installing a solar inverter.

It’s important to stay informed about the government’s policies and incentives related to solar power. Consulting with solar energy experts or contacting local authorities can provide valuable information on available incentives and support programs.


When considering a power backup solution in Nigeria, the choice between a 10kVA solar inverter and a generator depends on various factors. Solar inverters offer cost savings, environmental friendliness, and reliability, while generators provide high power output and quick installation.

To make an informed decision, assess your power requirements, budget, location, and maintenance considerations. Evaluate the long-term costs and environmental impact of both options. Additionally, consider government incentives and support for solar power.

Ultimately, the better investment between a 10kVA solar inverter and a generator depends on your specific needs, preferences, and priorities. Carefully weighing the advantages and disadvantages will help you choose the option that best suits your requirements for reliable and efficient backup power.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Can solar inverters power my entire house? Solar inverters can power a significant portion of your house, including essential appliances and lighting. However, the capacity of a 10kVA solar inverter may not be sufficient to handle the entire load of a large house with high energy demands.
  2. Are solar inverters noisy? Solar inverters operate silently as they do not have any moving parts. They produce electricity without generating noise, making them ideal for residential areas or places where noise pollution needs to be minimized.
  3. Do generators require regular maintenance? Yes, generators require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Regular servicing, fuel refilling, and oil changes are essential to keep the generator running smoothly.
  4. Can solar inverters work during power outages? Solar inverters equipped with battery storage can provide backup power during power outages. The stored energy can be used to power your home even when there is no sunlight available.
  5. Are generators environmentally friendly? Generators produce emissions during operation, contributing to air pollution and carbon emissions. They are not considered environmentally friendly compared to solar inverters, which generate clean and renewable energy.


In Nigeria, choosing between a 10kVA solar inverter and a generator for power backup depends on various factors such as cost savings, environmental impact, power requirements, and reliability. Solar inverters offer long-term cost savings, environmental friendliness, and reliability, while generators provide high power output and quick installation.

Consider your specific needs, budget, location, and maintenance requirements when making a decision. Evaluate the long-term costs and environmental benefits of both options. Additionally, take into account the government incentives and support available for solar power in Nigeria.

By carefully weighing these factors, you can make an informed decision and choose the power backup solution that best suits your requirements for reliable and efficient electricity in Nigeria.

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